The movie “Wellenbrecherinnen” continues where the web series ends: with “the worlds toughest rowing race”. In 125 minutes, the film tells the extraordinary story of four women and their 42-day Atlantic crossing in a rowboat. The film shows the hard fight against seasickness, storms and meter-high waves, but it also shows how Meike, Cätschi, Steffi and Timna become a team on board, in which their goal can only be achieved together.
There were many unpredictable obstacles not only at sea. The 18-month preparation was already marked by disappointing setbacks.
What does the “Wellenbrecherinnen” keep pushing forward? Why did the four women voluntarily take on these incredible hardships? The cinema film answers these and many other questions.
Due to the Corona Virus the cinema release had to be postponed to December 2020. Due to the current circumstances, however, there may be a another shift. You will receive all information in our free newsletter. Please subscribe below.
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